Barbara Kruger (America; 1945-Present )
Untitled (your body is a battleground) (c. 1989)
The Broad Art Foundation (Santa Monica, U.S.)
Accompanying Song: Rrriot Girl by Le Tigre
Kruger draws attention to society's lust for objectifying the female body. The silk screen poster applies the use of a negative to split the poster into halves. The end result criticizes the standard of symmetry applied to feminine beauty as well as the media obsession with advertising such benchmarks (The Broad Art Foundation). Furthermore, "Your Body is A Battleground" designates female ownership and even points to rightful power. The statement “Your body is a battleground” heralds that females can have control over their own bodies and must fight for their right. The simple yet stark poster sends a clear message about the divine rights women have over their bodies. Additionally, its bold statement encourages females to stand up against lies-spinning media and a shallow society.